Deploy your ML model with a single command

Neurodeploy is a hosting platform that enables our clients to deploy their ML models on our infrastructure, which we then serve to their end-users. Our customers can perform this deployment using a range of interfaces.

Use Neurodeploy
to deploy, manage, and scale your AI apps and models!

Focus on your models

Invest in apps, not ops!
Neurodeploy handles the challenging stuff:
Patching and upgrading, 24/7 ops and security, build systems, failovers, and more.
So your developers can stay focused on building great apps.


Estimate the costs to run your app on Neurodeploy

To start your estimate, choose the type of app that best represents what you're looking to build: from simple prototypes to production apps to enterprise-grade applications.


$5 and up per month

Low cost containers to test ideas or run apps that see intermittent use.


$25 and up per month

Business-focused apps, such as customer-facing or internal web apps and APIs.


$250 and up per month

Mission-critical apps with complex functionality that require high availability, very low latency, and handling a high volume of concurrent requests.