Models are an essential part of Neurodeploy — they are the containers for the persisted pre-trained AI models that will be deployed and will allow you to generate your predictions. On this page, we’ll dive into the different models endpoints you can use to manage models programmatically. We'll look at how to query, create, update, and delete models.
The AI models model
The AI models model contains all the information about the AI model that you pre-trained. Models can be pre-trained using Scikit-learn, TensorFlow or Pytorch. They can be persisted using H5, Joblib or Pickle.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
Unique identifier for the model (accross all our clients).
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Boolean to identify if a model can be accessible without using any key.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The library used to train the AI model. Possible values : Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Pytorch.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The type of persistence used for the file. Possible values : H5, Pickle, Joblib.
- Name
- Type
- timestamp
- Description
Timestamp of when the model was last used by the predict endpoint. user.
- Name
- Type
- timestamp
- Description
Timestamp of when the model was created.
- Name
- Type
- timestamp
- Description
TODO Timestamp of when the model was archived.
List all ML models
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a paginated list of all your ML models. By default, a maximum of ten models are shown per page.
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- integer
- Description
Limit the number of models returned.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Only show models that have deleted_at different than null.
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Only show models that have last_used_at different than null.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN'
-d limit=10
"models": [
"filetype": "h5",
"library": "tensorflow",
"created_at": "2023-05-02T07:27:06.739805",
"is_public": false,
"updated_at": "2023-05-10T20:39:39.325670",
"model_name": "abc"
"filetype": "h5",
"library": "tensorflow",
"created_at": "2023-05-11T05:10:13.916465",
"is_public": true,
"updated_at": "2023-05-11T05:16:49.739782",
"model_name": "xyz"
Update ML Model details or Create a new Model
This endpoint allows you to update some details of an ML model.
Through the sdk the deploy function also allows you to deploy a model directly by the persisted file or by the trained model.
We deploy the model that was trained above using the neuro.deploy command, providing it with a model name of our choosing.
This command will send our model to the Neurodeploy infrastructure and make it accessible over the internet.
With this single command, we have deployed our machine learning model!
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The library used to train the AI model. Possible values : Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, Pytorch
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The type of persistence used for the file. Possible values : H5, Pickle, Joblib
- Name
- Type
- boolean
- Description
Boolean to identify if a model can be accessible without using any key.
curl --location --request PUT 'https://user-api.{{domain_name}}/ml-models/{{model_name}}?lib=tensorflow&filetype=h5&is_public=true' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN'
Response success
"model_name": "scikit_learn_open_dataset_iris_2",
"model_type": "scikit-learn",
"persistence_type": "joblib",
"uploaded_at": "2023-03-28T03:54:22+00:00"
Response additional actions
"message": "Please upload your tensorflow h5 model to complete the process.",
"url": "",
"fields": {
"x-amz-meta-username": "lousydropout",
"x-amz-meta-model_name": "abc",
"x-amz-meta-lib": "tensorflow",
"x-amz-meta-filetype": "h5",
"Content-Type": "model/h5",
"key": "a52df0c8-843a-48f9-b2fb-726f3a727945",
"x-amz-security-token": "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",
"policy": "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",
"signature": "0FWgS0LJ2oyLFbZkmFEyAbFpTsk="
Get ML Model details
This endpoint allows you to retrieve an ML model by providing the ML model name. Refer to the list at the top of this page to see which properties are included with model objects.
curl --location '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN'
"filetype": "h5",
"library": "tensorflow",
"created_at": "2023-05-02T07:27:06.739805",
"updated_at": "2023-05-12T16:55:25.577078",
"model_name": "abc"
Delete an ML model
This endpoint allows you to delete your ML model in Neurodeploy. Note: This will permanently delete the model and all its predictions if stores — archive it instead if you want to be able to restore it later.
curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer BEARER_TOKEN'
"message": "deleted model my_model_name"